Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Not Feeling Well

Not sure what is happening to my body, but for the last few days I haven't been feeling well at all. I do not any energy to get up and do things. I am suppose to move today, but I have low energy and I haven't even finish packing my boxes. I had my first cooked meal yesterday and I think my body did not appreciate it at all, so today I will eat only raw foods and juice. I haven't had any meat nor do I desire it, but I think I am sick or my body is going through another detox flu like experience.

One think is for sure my mind is going through something. My mind is tell me that I cannot do this, I should just give up now. I have to face it for this feeling shall pass too. It is very interesting how the mind will fight to keep hold of bad habits. My body says otherwise and I have all intent to listen to my body. There is a psychological fight going on right now and I will detox out all the negative emotions and come on top as a winner...smiles.

I thought this struggle was important to share because learn new habits is not a 'walk in the park' it is like a fight for survival. I will survive this stage of my new behaviors for I am facing it!

I will keep you posted.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 7 90% Raw Juice 10% Cooked Clean Eating

      Today marks one week of my juice cleanse and I can say that it is easy at this point in the process. The cleanse is not for the purpose of losing weight only, but to get back control of my health. I believe the experience has been a spiritual transition for me more than anything I would imagine.

     By day 3 I wanted my meats, potatoes, bread and sugars. I had to stay to course because my future health was based on what choice I made presently. If I am to feel great I must put things in my system that will allow me to absorb for nutrient to use now and later and bad foods do the complete opposite.

     Let's talk about the energy!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow do I have energy to get out of bed, cooking, cleaning, studying, working, and still have more energy to do other things. Now I want to run and exercise everyday, which I do not presently. I read many online articles that I need to reserve my energy so the body can use the surplus to work on the detoxing process...smiles. I did purchase a new road bike and I signed up for yoga classes for 2 months. I am doing some form of movement just not anything that will use too much energy.

Here are a few of my juice favorites that I enjoyed in the last week:

  • Green Acid Flush (48oz) -- 4 Green Apples, 1/2 stalk of celery, 2 bunches of baby spinach, and 2 large carrots
  • Nasty Blood Cleanse (48oz) -- 2 beets (peel skin), 1 stalk of celery, 4 apples, 2 cucumber (peel skin), 1 bunch of kale, and 4 red carrots
  • Tropical Smoothie (32oz) -- 12oz of Almond Milk, 1/2 cup pineapples, 2 mango flesh, and 2 bananas then blend
  • Ginger Berry Kick Azz (32oz) -- 2 Bananas, 1 thumb size of peeled ginger, 12oz frozen mix berries, 12oz of Almond Milk
  • Green Giant (32oz) -- 1 bunch of spinach, 1 bunch of kale, 1 stalk of celery, 2 large cucumber, 1 handful of basil, 2 cups of green beans, and 4 apples (your choice)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 2 90% Raw Juice 10% Cooked Clean Eating

Something inside me has been egging me to start juicing again. My intentions are to Juice for 21 days. Mentally I am not at the point where I can just consume juice only for 21 days, yet I know I can consume it for most of the day. I will eat 1 cooked clean meal each day. I will not confine myself to just eating a cook dinner vs. breakfast. I wild listen to my body. I am praying that I will not want to eat anything as the fast progress. Yesterday I consumed mainly juice and water and for dinner I ate a avocado sandwich made on Ezekiel bread along with raw cucumbers, red onions, and tomatoes. My only dressing for the sandwich was balsamic vinegar...smiles. I did have 3 bananas throughout the day for my snack.

Today was a great day. I started the fast with 32 ounces of raw citrus juice, for lunch I had 32 ounces of green raw juice, took my yoga class at 4:15-5:30, then for dinner I enjoyed a black bean burger on gluten free bread with balsamic vinegar, avocado, onions, and tomatoes. I did eat a few of the corn chips that came with the burger. I did notice that my stomach inflated a tad bit, which leads me to believe that dinner was too heavy for me...smiles. It did feel heavy, but tasted so good. Tomorrow the goal is to fast on juice all day with no cooked meals. If I am hungry I will eat raw fruit instead...smiles.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Updates - Day 1 90% Raw Juice 10% Cooked Clean Eating


After posting my before and after picture on Facebook (see below) I began receiving emails from friends and family on how I am losing the weight. I am excited to learn that others are motivated by what I have accomplished so far...I am still on my journey to a better me and I am happy that I am facing it...smiles.

Today marks the 1st day of my 21-day juice detox...smiles. OK first let me just make this clear. My goal is to consume juice for 21 days. I might change the process up a bit, which means I might not do 21 day straight of juice fasting. I have all intention of doing so, yet I will certainly juice for 7 days then eat raw foods for 3 days along with broths/soups then back to 7 days of juicing. I plan to give myself 3 days of solids in between. I would like to go the entire 21-days without solids then gradually go to solids. Either way you start your detox it is important to have a plan in place and to consult you doctor so ensure the best care through your journey.

I am going to shop for another juicer (Jack Lalanne Juicer) so that I can have one at work and one at home. No excuses! I also decided not to workout to much during my detox so that I can preserve my energy. I will continue with my ballroom dance class and yoga, but no running or Zumba until after the detox period has ended. I know I will be moody and sick for my first week, yet I must bare the pain and face it. I think the pain is a reminder of the hurt we have caused our bodies. When I go through that pain during detox I don't like it, so when I am in a place in which I want to make a bad food choice that pain of detoxing comes right back to me and I make the right choice for my mind, body and spirit. I am eating to live because healthy foods is the medicine to cure diseases.

I am facing it today, one meal at a time. The picture to the left was taken in September 2012 (220 ls) and the picture on the right was taken April 2013 (185 lbs) standing at 5 feet and 3 inches. I am still on my journey to better health. Why don't you join me and share my blog with others.

*****The intention of this blog is to share information that will help you on your journey to better health. All products that I feature are products that I use. I am not suggesting that you purchase what I have used. The products and materials only serve as a resource for information. I do not endorse products nor am I affiliated with the products...smiles. If there is something I am endorsing I will state that clearly next to products. I do not make money off this site nor am I interested in doing so. I will always encourage you to purchase the best products for your body. You know what your limits are in terms of fiances, but do not look at yourself a fast, cheap or unworthy...smiles. Eat the best and buy the best for it is an investment in you...smiles.*****

Day is the first day of my raw juice cleanse. My intention was to start on Sunday, but today was the day that my body decided to cleanse...smiles.

Breakfast -- 32 oz of Citrus Raw Juice (2 pink grapefruits and 5 navel oranges)
Snack -- 2 bananas and 64 oz of lemon water
Lunch -- 64 oz green smoothie (4 green apples, 3 bunches of baby spinach, 2 bunch of kale, 6 large carrots, 2 bunch of Italian parsley
Dinner -- Avocado Sandwich (2 slices of Ezekiel bread, 4 slices of avocado, red onion, cucumber slices, kale leaves, ripe tomatoes with a drizzle of balsamic)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4 month update

So it has been 4 months since my last update...smiles. I was near death it seemed when I completed 7 days of the Master Cleanse 4 months ago. Today I feel alive! I stop trying to change everything at once because doing so was only setting me up for disappointment. The courage to fail gives me the will to try again...smiles.

I lost several pounds since my last post, 30lbs to be exact. I was in Singapore in September attending my best friend's wedding. There were pictures and video taken to capture the realness of those moments. What was also capture was how badly I looked and the internal spirit I felt. I was 220lbs at only 5'2-3/4". I weighted less when I was pregnant with my daughter. I had been lying to me! I looked awfully sick and I could not stand it any longer because it was me that I was killing slowly.

In January my neighbor and I decided to meet at 6 am each morning for a yoga/aerobic routine. After 1 month I could see the results of my work, but due to my work/life schedule I would not keep to our meeting times. So I fell behind in my workout and gained back 9lbs of the 30lbs I had lost.

I decided to take a dance class that a friend had been stressing me to take. Once I started the class I felt that I cannot do this for I had no energy, yet dancing use to be what I was once passionate to experience. I paid for 1 month in advance so that I would have not excuse to not return. I still was not eating right, but now I was moving.

As time passed I made friends in the class and they encouraged me because they were much older than I, yet they had all the energy in the world. I desired to be like them. So I began to watch what I ate more. I increased my veggie intake and ate at least 1 piece of fruit a day.

Weeks went by and I noticed that I was eating 4-5 pieces of fruit and about 2 pounds of veggies each day. At work my co-workers encourage me to join a exercise challenge. We would exchange our accomplishment (body lifts, push ups, squat, water intake, and veggie/fruit) through email. I am a bit competitive so I wanted to show I could do it. When I first started I could barely do a body lift let alone a squat. Now I have hang with the most experienced employee.

Due to my diet shift I craved more workout experiences. I started taking Zumba classes on Mondays and my co-workers decided to start running together every Wednesdays after work. When I first ran I knew my chest was going to explode, but the cheer-on of my co-worker motivated me to push through the pain. I made it to the finish line. Wow in that moment, I remember I use to run in school. My first run reminded me how much I love being active. Now I run 3 days a week and I don't necessarily need a workout buddy. I am done giving myself excuses. I am facing it!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

2 Week Update

I am still facing it indeed. I completed 7 days of my Master Cleanse and I felt the benefits immediately. I do still have cravings for the wrong things, but I decide to make the right choices...smiles. This journey has just began and I am committed to see it through successfully for my life depends on it!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


So we are born human and with that position we inherit faults right? Yes, so yesterday I did great all day with my mater cleanse. True I did leave all my supplies at home, but I had the lemons at work and just sipped on the lemon water all day. I began to get dizzy spell (My co-work reminded me that happen before) and I wanted to crawl under a blanket and sleep.

Yet, I made it through the day, while until I got home. Instead of consuming the master cleanse I made me 3 dollar sized pancake, ate about 2 oz of cheddar cheese, and drank juice, which we know has tons of sugar. I mean I was loving it when I was eating, telling myself that I am not ready to be healthy.

Can you believe I was siking myself out of being healthy! Where do they do that at? In the land of weak minds and will power that's where...smiles. I was so disappointed at myself yesterday and ashamed that I was feeding myself destruction. I witnessed it last night. I am my own prison guard detaining me in this unhealthy body. I want to be free if this unhealthy mind, body, and spirit. So today I am facing it...smiles.