Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4 month update

So it has been 4 months since my last update...smiles. I was near death it seemed when I completed 7 days of the Master Cleanse 4 months ago. Today I feel alive! I stop trying to change everything at once because doing so was only setting me up for disappointment. The courage to fail gives me the will to try again...smiles.

I lost several pounds since my last post, 30lbs to be exact. I was in Singapore in September attending my best friend's wedding. There were pictures and video taken to capture the realness of those moments. What was also capture was how badly I looked and the internal spirit I felt. I was 220lbs at only 5'2-3/4". I weighted less when I was pregnant with my daughter. I had been lying to me! I looked awfully sick and I could not stand it any longer because it was me that I was killing slowly.

In January my neighbor and I decided to meet at 6 am each morning for a yoga/aerobic routine. After 1 month I could see the results of my work, but due to my work/life schedule I would not keep to our meeting times. So I fell behind in my workout and gained back 9lbs of the 30lbs I had lost.

I decided to take a dance class that a friend had been stressing me to take. Once I started the class I felt that I cannot do this for I had no energy, yet dancing use to be what I was once passionate to experience. I paid for 1 month in advance so that I would have not excuse to not return. I still was not eating right, but now I was moving.

As time passed I made friends in the class and they encouraged me because they were much older than I, yet they had all the energy in the world. I desired to be like them. So I began to watch what I ate more. I increased my veggie intake and ate at least 1 piece of fruit a day.

Weeks went by and I noticed that I was eating 4-5 pieces of fruit and about 2 pounds of veggies each day. At work my co-workers encourage me to join a exercise challenge. We would exchange our accomplishment (body lifts, push ups, squat, water intake, and veggie/fruit) through email. I am a bit competitive so I wanted to show I could do it. When I first started I could barely do a body lift let alone a squat. Now I have hang with the most experienced employee.

Due to my diet shift I craved more workout experiences. I started taking Zumba classes on Mondays and my co-workers decided to start running together every Wednesdays after work. When I first ran I knew my chest was going to explode, but the cheer-on of my co-worker motivated me to push through the pain. I made it to the finish line. Wow in that moment, I remember I use to run in school. My first run reminded me how much I love being active. Now I run 3 days a week and I don't necessarily need a workout buddy. I am done giving myself excuses. I am facing it!

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