Wednesday, November 28, 2012


So we are born human and with that position we inherit faults right? Yes, so yesterday I did great all day with my mater cleanse. True I did leave all my supplies at home, but I had the lemons at work and just sipped on the lemon water all day. I began to get dizzy spell (My co-work reminded me that happen before) and I wanted to crawl under a blanket and sleep.

Yet, I made it through the day, while until I got home. Instead of consuming the master cleanse I made me 3 dollar sized pancake, ate about 2 oz of cheddar cheese, and drank juice, which we know has tons of sugar. I mean I was loving it when I was eating, telling myself that I am not ready to be healthy.

Can you believe I was siking myself out of being healthy! Where do they do that at? In the land of weak minds and will power that's where...smiles. I was so disappointed at myself yesterday and ashamed that I was feeding myself destruction. I witnessed it last night. I am my own prison guard detaining me in this unhealthy body. I want to be free if this unhealthy mind, body, and spirit. So today I am facing it...smiles.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 1 of Master Cleanse 11/26/2012


So it has been some time now since my last posting. I guess each time I say I am ready, really I am not. I do feel that the Master Cleanse will help me get back on track. I need that feeling of renewed energy again. I am being weighed down by my excess emotional fat that I have been carrying around for years. I need to really forgive and really move on. I am a prisoner of my own body and I have the key to set me free; eating healthy.

Last night I took the laxative tea, yet I did not do the sea salt flush today because the tea worked well indeed. The last time I completed the Master Cleanse, I was not working and I felt that it was better for me. Today I am working and it appear more challenging indeed. The funny part is that when I am working and not fasting I barely ate and did not think of eating. Now is appears that my mind is focus on food all day...smiles.

Today I experienced cramping at extreme measures, which I am accepting of the process. The cramping gives me the indication that my body is working to correct the wrongs I have done over the years. My tongue has already begun to change in taste. I thought it would take a few days to develop film, but it started today. This lets me know that I have my work cut out for me for sure. I will not give up indeed because my life depends on me doing the right thing for my body. I am done living as a prisoner in my own house!