Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 1 "The Dan De Lion"

7/5/2010 Events of Cleanse

8:00 am- I began to prepare the dandelion tea.

Ingredients included:

-64 oz of hot distilled water

-25 dandelion leaves

-1/4 cup of grade B maple syrup

I recommend using only glass to store you tea in and stir with stainless steel ladle. Keep away from plastic because they contain chemicals

Let the water come to a boil in a stainless steel pot or if you have a stainless steel water dispenser you can pour hot water directly in to glass pitcher (this is what I did). Infuse the whole leaves into water and cover the pot with clear glass top when you're using a pot to boil water. If your using the pitcher technique and it does not have a cover, I found using a small saucer worked just as well. I did not want to use plastic...smiles. After 20-30 of steep time the tea should turn a semi-amber color. It is not going to be that dark within that time unless you allow to steep long and then I am still not sure that it will darken. When you remove the cover there will be a wonderful earthy aroma that is very pleasant. Somewhat like the smell of fresh greens of spinach...not the taste. I was happy to learn that the taste was agreeable. I can tolerant many different taste, but I suggest that you stir in some pure maple syrup to help balance the taste. I prefer you to take the courage and bare the inviting taste of the dandelion's wonderful gifts of healing...smiles.

9:18 am- I don't really know what is happening, but I have already consumed 5(10oz each) glasses of the tea and I can feel something moving around in my head. Weird, I know but this is the best way for me to describe what is happening to my body. I do feel like I have a bit more energy that normal. I love this feeling. When I stand up usually my right leg is a bit stiffed and it was not as stiffed as it normally is. I am not saying that this is from the tea, yet I can tell a huge difference since drinking the 5 (10oz each) glasses earlier today...smiles.

11:07 am- I was still feeling better. I don't think that day 1 of my journey is all I need. I will be travelling down this new exploration for 30 days. I can tell you that it is not easy learning something new and form different habits from which that you are comfortable with, yet my life depends on this. I have to grow strong into my purpose and I do not think I can get there with a wasteland growning inside of me.

12:00 pm- Lunchtime! OK, I have been drinking and eliminating all day and I do not have the usually food cravings. Nice, I hope it is the dandelion for sure...smiles. OK, time to create the afternoon meal. Let's see, chives, garlic, bok choy, basil leaves, black pepper, cayenne pepper and carrots. Ah this is a good mix. I went shopping at the eastern market on Saturday and only Michigan grown organic choices for me in my dishes.

Ingredient List:

1/2 cup of chopped chives, 2 cups of bok choy, 1 cup of chopped basil leaves, 2 medium sliced carrots, 1 teaspoons of black pepper and cayenne pepper and 3 cloves of diced garlic, 1/4 (divide) cup of Olive Oil and 1/4 of lime.

Pour half of you olive olive in stainless steel pan and saute garlic, chives, basil leaves and carrots until the aroma perfumed from the pan (1-2 mins) and toss with wooden utensil. This is a great time to add spices. Remove veggies from pan and arrange onto plate. Pour the remaining oil into pan and saute bok choy for same amount of time mention above and add the juice of the lime to the bok choy.

Wonderful taste indeed! Wow, maybe I can become a decent cook after all...smiles. Enjoy!

2:20 pm- I a more hungry than when I rarely ate...smiles. My lunch seemed to has digested within 45mins. I am still a bit hungry and have the sounds of my stomach to prove it. So, I popped some pop corn. Not the microwave brand. Nope I did it old school. I heated up about 1/8 cup of olive oil in my stainless steel pan and added kernels until it covered the entire surface of the pan. I then added black pepper, Cayenne pepper and garlic powder then I stirred the kernels with a wooden ladle until the oil began to pop. Covered with glass lid until the batch of pop corn was completed. The batch lasted until dinner time and I drank more of my dandelion tea.

5:00 pm- fruit smoothie that I purchase at a Mediterranean cafe. All natural ingredients.

6:30 pm- fatoush salad that I purchased at a Mediterranean cafe. All natural ingredients.

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